2014年1月19日 星期日

星座英文 天秤座命中注定的愛情星座是哪一個?? 英文翻譯


When it comes to compatible signs for you harmony is the most important factor to keep in mind. Without harmony you can't possibly survive.對於像你這樣愛好和平的星座來說,和諧是你頭腦中最重要的因素。失去和諧,你簡直無法生存。


天秤座白羊座LIBRA & ARIES: Shooting stars in the bedroom. Tension, however, at a mental level. It can work if you are both willing to compromise[1].


  [1]compromise:妥協,讓步。 Compromise with sb. on /over sth.就是“在某事上和某人妥協”。其實有時向愛人作出一定的讓步也並不是什麼沒面子的事兒,畢竟這樣能體現出你對他的重視對不對?

天秤座金牛座LIBRA & TAURUS: Not too bad as you both value the finer things in life. The Bull's possessiveness can bring about some problems for you however if the price is right you'll put up with a little control.關係不錯,因為你們都很重視生活中美好的事物。他們強烈的佔有欲會給你帶來一些麻煩,不過要是值得的話,你還是能夠忍受一點小小的控制的。

天秤座雙子座LIBRA & GEMINI: Intellectual connection. This relationship is much better left as a friendship. You both need a great deal of freedom to experience other people. If you both agree on ground rules[2] right from day one it can last.


  [2]ground rules:基本規則。因為ground有“地基,底層”的含意,所以ground rules也就是那些作為處理其它事情的基本規則。人與人之間差異巨大,只要能在一些基本問題上達成共識也就可以了。

天秤座巨蟹座LIBRA & CANCER: This is not the best match. The moody Crab is just too difficult for you to handle. You need to surround yourself with positive individuals who will create a harmonious environment.


天秤座獅子座LIBRA & LEO: This is a good union, similar lifestyles, both hooked on[3] sex. The Lion's dazzle, and your refined nature balances out quite nicely. Together you make an extremely nice looking couple.


  [3]hooked on:著迷的。對某事著迷上癮(hooked on sth.)的人就像魚兒見了餌一樣,最後的下場自然是被鉤住了。 To hook a rich husband釣金龜婿,感覺是不是很形像啊?

天秤座處女座LIBRA & VIRGO: No Way! The practical Virgoan will never satisfy your desires. You're better not to pursue this partner for any kind of a long-term commitment.


天秤座天秤座LIBRA & LIBRA: This is not a bad connection, but boredom can be a definite risk, as you will both expect to be entertained. Your lazy nature when it comes to domestic chores[4] will also be a problem if you can 't afford to hire help.


[4]domestic chores:家務活兒,家庭瑣事。 Domestic意為“家裡的,國內的”,domestic animal指家畜,domestic trade則是“國內貿易”的意思。

天秤座天蠍座LIBRA & SCORPIO: The Scorpions' jealousy vexes the casual, harmonious nature that you possess. This is certainly not an alliance made in heaven and usually quite difficult for you to balance.


天秤座射手座LIBRA & SAGITTARIUS: This is an auspicious relationship. The Archer's charisma and thirst for adventure will hold your interest. Your good looks and cultural knowledge will entice the Archer.


天秤座摩羯座LIBRA & CAPRICORN: It's difficult for the Goat to accept your inactivity. Physically there is a powerful attraction between you, unfortunately it is seldom lasting.


[5]devastating:毀壞性的,破壞的。 A devastating storm 破壞性的暴風雨。它的原形是devastate使荒蕪,蹂躪。比如說某個城市在戰火中成為廢墟就應該是The whole city was devastated in the war flames.

天秤座水瓶座LIBRA & AQUARIUS: This is a compatible coalition, you are capable of making love in the highest form. Your two of a kind, neither of you care about detail nor domestics.


天秤座雙魚座LIBRA & PISCES: This is not usually lasting. The Fish is too confused and sensitive in nature that makes this connection a highly complicated combination. The end result can be devastating[5] if you aren't careful.


