2014年1月20日 星期一

星座英文 處女座愛情宿命在哪裡?? 英文翻譯


Zodiacal match-ups for you are not the easiest due to your critical analytical nature.



處女座白羊座VIRGO & ARIES: The volatile[1] Aries will upset your nervous nature, the conclusion being ill fated and certainly not lasting. The Ram just won't put up with your put-downs.




處女座金牛座VIRGO & TAURUS: You both share the same high standards and, needless to say, are not the most exciting couple on earth.


處女座雙子座VIRGO & GEMINI: Not a chance. The risky, carefree fickle Gemini sees you as a drag. Truly a miracle if the two of you do interact for any length of time. This union is best left alone unless other factors prevail in both charts.


[2]tongue:Tongue本指舌頭,引申為“語言,話語”。所以Critical tongue就是“批評的話”,native tongue是“母語”,要是說某人tongue-tied,舌頭被打上了結,不就是張口結舌,說不出話來了嗎?

[3]unfold Unfold是fold加否定前綴un構成,fold意為“關閉,折疊”,因此unfold就是“打開,展示”的意思。掌握這種構詞法可大大擴展你的詞彙量,比如do/undo,load/unload,leash/unleash等等。

處女座巨蟹座VIRGO & CANCER: Somewhat dull. You both tend to avoid getting involved in activities outside your own environment. Neither of you bothers to end the relationship even if it isn't working. This union is a critical and nagging match that results in lowered self-esteem for both of you.


處女座獅子座VIRGO & LEO: You will have continuous arguments concerning finances and sex. Your critical tongue[2] will make the Lion wander, seeking the ego-boosting that is necessary for the proud Leo's existence.


處女座處女座VIRGO & VIRGO: You are quite likely to agree on most subjects. Virgo's are work, security and cleanliness oriented. When two of you get together in this capacity, unusual sexual pleasures can unfold[3].


處女座天秤座VIRGO & LIBRA: Libra's extravagant, indecisive nature bothers you, however Libra's charm can normally melt your critical tongue. Not likely to be lasting but it can be passionate while it lasts.


[4]up the wall:Wall這個詞也很有意思,up the wall意為“大怒,發狂”,to the wall意為“處於絕境,束手無策”。 Even the walls have ears. 連牆都有耳朵呢,當然是隔牆有耳了。

處女座天蠍座VIRGO & SCORPIO: This is an interesting match. If the scorpion can tempt you into sexual encounters that are exotic, the end result will end in fireworks.


處女座射手座VIRGO & SAGITTARIUS: This is sexually not bad. The Archer's non-committal approach to life however, drives you up the wall[4]. This combo works better as a passing affair.


處女座摩羯座VIRGO & CAPRICORN: This is an excellent union. Practicality and neatness go hand in hand[5] for the Goat as well as for you. Fear of material loss locks you in tight for a long-term union.


[5]go hand in hand:好朋友總喜歡手拉手hand in hand,這就表示一種密不可分的關係。很多事物也都是像這樣形影相隨的,Dirt and disease go hand in hand. 骯髒和疾病是分不開的。

處女座水瓶座VIRGO & AQUARIUS: This is a far more mental then physical connection. You rule the lower mind and the Water bearer the higher mind. This is an intellectual union that is likely to be lasting.


處女座雙魚座VIRGO & PISCES: This is a polarity attraction. You are enamored by the Pisces empathetic ways and in turn the Fish needs your practical direction. Pisces' sexuality can bring out the erotic side in you.


