When looking for a prospective mate you will interact diversely with all the other constellations including your own sign.在尋找將來的伴侶時,你和包括你自己在內的所有星座都有著各種各樣的不同關係。
獅子座白羊座LEO & ARIES: This is a capricious match. Your common interests and lusty passionate nature bring about[1] outrageous social and sexual encounters.
[1]bring about:產生,引起。例如:Science has brought about many changes in our lives. 科學為我們的生活帶來很大變化。
獅子座金牛座LEO & TAURUS: This is an ill-fated connection, your extravagance and desire to party are antagonizing to the prudent Bull.前途不甚樂觀,你的誇張和對宴會的愛好會引起小心謹慎的金牛的反抗。
獅子座雙子座LEO & GEMINI: You are enticed by the clever Twins, nevertheless the Twins' fickleness enrages you. Intriguing[2] while this connection lasts, however it's usually short lived.
獅子座巨蟹座LEO & CANCER: Your powerful desire to be the center of attention along with your vanity is pernicious for the shy, sensitive Crab. Not a choice alliance.
獅子座獅子座LEO & LEO: This is a dramatic combination, a sexual delight, providing both desist from dominating one another. This is truly a royal match and believe it or not[3], it often works.
[3]believe it or not:這個短語的意思是“信不信由你”,在口語中很常用,譬如:Believe it or not, marriage makes or mars a man. 信不信由你,婚姻往往決定著一個男人的成敗。
獅子座處女座LEO & VIRGO: Virgo's desire to be in command and methodical nature collides with your carefree, spontaneous temperament. This combo takes a lot of compromise on the part of the Virgoan.
獅子座天秤座LEO & LIBRA: Libra's sophistication and your flair constitute an entertaining coalition, unless a financial deficit prevails. You can both be quite extravagant and wasteful.
獅子座天蠍座LEO & SCORPIO: You can dance rather well in a horizontal[4] position, the end result can be crimes of passion, due to jealousy. This union is usually hot, heavy and short lived.
獅子座射手座LEO & SAGITTARIUS: This is probably your foremost partner physically and mentally. This union will revel in spending, travel and adventure. Quite an exciting connection.
獅子座摩羯座LEO & CAPRICORN: You'll get bored with the Goat's careful and enterprising ways, which is too bad because the Goat is the one sign that can usually afford[5] to spoil you monetarily.
[5]afford:Afford常與can, able to連用,表示擔負得起費用、錢財、損失等。比如《Titanic》裡的窮小子傑克買不起一等艙的票,就可以說:Jack can't afford to pay first class.獅子座水瓶座LEO & AQUARIUS: The polarities usually attract passionately, nevertheless the Water bearer's expansive interests and higher mind leave you feeling somewhat neglected and unimportant.
獅子座雙魚座LEO & PISCES: This is a detrimental relationship for the shy Pisces and a most unlikely attraction for you. Not compatible and very hurtful for the Fish that is attracted to you.