2014年1月23日 星期四
星座英文 天秤座的飲食健康問題 英文翻譯
Libra's health habits : As a rule, natives of this sign enjoy good health. Venus, the planet that rules Libra, holds sway over skin, hair, and veins, as well as the throat, kidneys, and lumbar region. Librans are known for their fine and pleasing features, and good bone structure. Librans are prone toward weakness in the lower back, and this is the first place in the body to suffer when Librans overexert themselves. They also are predisposed toward kidney ailments and skin breakouts. Balance is the key to Libra's health and wellbeing, a balanced diet, balance of work and recreation and balanced relationships with other people. Libra's cell salt is sodium phosphate, which equalizes the balance of acids and alkalis in the body and rids the body of waste material.
Eat : Good food sources for sodium phosphate are strawberries, apples, raisins, almonds, asparagus, peas, corn, carrots, spinach, beets, radishes, tomatoes, wheat, brown rice and oatmeal. Librans function best with a high-protein diet that is low in fat, sugar and acid-producing foods. You should eat lots of broiled fish, seafood, and poultry (not too much beef or pork), low-fat cheeses, yogurt, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, salad greens, and wholegrain breads. They should drink plenty of water to keep their systems flushed out and free of toxins.
Don't Eat : Librans's sensitive skin show the effects of lack of sleep, rich food, and too much alcohol. They should avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks which are bad for the kidneys.
天秤座- 健康& 飲食
健康習性: 總體來說, 這個星座的人身體都好。天秤座的守護星金星,與在皮膚、頭髮、脈絡並且喉頭、腎臟、和腰部有著重要關係。天秤座人以他們健康的骨骼而聞名,但是後背的下部是他們容易受傷的部位。一旦用力過猛,這一部位就會受傷。另外,他們也易患腎病和皮膚病。保持平衡是讓天秤座人擁有健康的關鍵,無論是飲食的均衡,還是娛樂、工作上的平衡。對天秤座最重要的礦物質是磷酸鈉,可以調節酸和鹼在身體的平衡並能趕走體內不需要的廢料。
吃: 含磷酸鈉的食物有草莓、蘋果、葡萄乾、杏仁、蘆筍、豌豆、玉米、紅蘿蔔、菠菜、甜菜、蘿蔔、蕃茄、麥子、棕色米和燕麥粥。天秤座人可以食用降低油脂、糖的高蛋白食物。您還可以吃烤魚、海鮮、和禽類(不要吃太多牛肉或豬肉), 低脂肪乳酪、酸奶、新鮮的水果和蔬菜, 沙拉綠色, 和麵包。多喝水可以清除體內雜物避免生病。
不要吃: 天秤座的敏感皮膚是由於缺乏睡眠和服用太多酒精含量高的飲料造成的。因此,盡量避免飲用對腎臟有損的高酒精或碳酸飲品。
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