2014年1月28日 星期二

星座英文 雙魚座的飲食健康問題 英文翻譯

Pisces' health Habits : Pisceans are noted for their well-shaped feet, and many become excellent dancers. Their sense of taste and smell are exceptionally acute. Pisceans tend to have a delicate constitution that do not easily fight off disease. They are vulnerable to colds, sinus trouble, and water retention in the body. Pisceans have sensitive, emotional personalities, and illnesses are frequently emotionally based. They are attracted to glamorous lifestyle, which often includes overindulging in eating and drinking and keeping late hours. The key to their good health is to establish moderate habits. With a minimum of care, a well-balanced diet, moderate exercise, rest they can feel younger. Pisces' cell salt is ferrum phosphate, which is iron.

Eat : Lack of iron in the system can lead to anemia, low blood pressure, inflammations, glandular problems, and heart irregularities. Foods that are rich in iron that they should include in their diet are liver, lean beef, lamb, egg yolks, oysters, kidneys, whole-grain cereals, barley, dried beans, beet , spinach, onions, lettuce, raisins, dates, apricots, peaches, grapes, apples, lemons, oranges.

Don't Eat : They should cut down on table salt, for that makes them bloat. Coffee can overstimulate Pisces natives and should be cut down to a bare minimum. Pisceans are particularly susceptible to the effects of alcohol.

雙魚座- 健康& 飲食

健康習性: 雙魚座人有著漂亮的腳趾,他們通常是優秀的舞蹈家。味覺和嗅覺都異常敏銳的魚兒在飲食上非常講究,這也使得他們容易患病,像感冒和靜脈堵塞。感情細膩、個性敏感的魚兒還易遭受情感上的創傷。五光十色的生活讓魚兒沉醉其中,大吃大喝、夜不歸宿是常有的事。因此,要想擁有健康的關鍵在於良好的飲食習慣、適當的鍛練和休息。磷酸鐵在雙魚座的飲食裡發揮著重要作用。

吃: 缺乏鐵可能導致貧血、低血壓、炎症、腺問題和心臟的不規則性。富含這種物質的食物有動物內臟、瘦牛肉、羊羔、蛋黃、牡蠣、腎臟、大麥、干豆、甜菜、菠菜、 蔥、萵苣、葡萄乾、棗、杏、桃子、葡萄、蘋果、檸檬和桔子。

不要吃: 少食精製鹽,以免引起腫脹;有刺激作用的咖啡也應少喝;最忌酒精含量高的飲品。

