2014年1月29日 星期三

星座英文 水瓶座的飲食驗康問題 英文翻譯

Aquarius' health habits: Aquarians are generally strong and healthy, with good coordination, well shaped legs, and slender ankles. They tend to be very active mentally, more than they are physically, and there is a slight tendency to put on weight if they are not careful. They tend to suffer from circulatory problems, hardening of the arteries, anemia & low blood pressure. Aquarians need a healthy diet to maintain vitality and to keep their weight at the perfect level. Aquarius people like to immerse themselves in projects and activities, and that leaves little time for balanced meals. They are inveterate snackers, and often eat the wrong things while on the run. Aquarius's cell salt is sodium chloride - common table salt.

Eat : The best way is to absorb sodium chloride naturally, by eating the proper foods. These include ocean fish, lobster, tuna, oysters, spinach, radishes, celery, cabbage, lettuce, corn, squash, lentils, almonds, walnuts, apples , peaches, pears, lemons, and oranges. Aquarians should follow a diet that limits fattening foods and is high in protein, like fresh fruits and vegetables & whole-grain breads. Other foods that are very good for Aquarians are chicken, beets, broccoli , carrots, peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, pineapple, pomegranates, figs, dates, brown rice, whole wheat, yogurt & natural cheeses.

Don't Eat : They should cut down on coffee, which can make them nervous. On the other hand they can try herbal teas to relax.

水瓶座- 健康& 飲食

健康習性: 一般來說水瓶座的人大都身體健康,協調性好,有著修長的大腿和纖細的腳腕。他們的精神比起身體來更為活躍,因此稍不留神,就有可能增加脂肪羅。水瓶座人易患循環系統上的疾病,像硬化動脈,貧血和低血壓。只有健康的飲食才能讓他們保持活力和維持體重。過於專注自己鍾愛的項目和活動裡,這也讓水瓶座人沒有時間注意飲食了。不過,他們可是路邊攤的常客,還喜歡邊走邊吃。氯化鈉對水瓶座有著重要的影響。

吃: 自然地吸收氯化鈉的最佳方式就是正確的飲食。富含這種礦物質的食物有,海洋魚、龍蝦、金槍魚、牡蠣、菠菜、蘿蔔、芹菜、圓白菜、萵苣、玉米、南瓜、扁豆、杏仁、核桃、蘋果、桃子、梨、檸檬和桔子。水瓶座人應該少吃油脂過高和高蛋白質的食物,多吃新鮮的水果、蔬菜和麵包。還有些食物對水瓶座的健康也非常有利,像雞、甜菜、硬花甘藍、紅蘿蔔、胡椒、蕃茄、草莓、菠蘿、石榴、無花果、日期、棕色米、整體麥子、酸奶和自然乳酪。

不要吃: 少喝咖啡,它會引起緊張。另一方面,可以多喝讓人放鬆的草本茶。

