2014年1月30日 星期四
星座英文 魔羯座飲食健康問題 英文翻譯
Capricorn's health Habits: Along with Leo and Sagittarius, Capricorn is noted for its longevity. Capricorn's bones, joints, and knees, however, may be vulnerable to rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, stiff joints, and orthopedic problems. Capricorn's ruling planet Saturn holds sway over the gall bladder, spleen, bones, skin, and teeth. Their skin may tend to be dry and sensitive. Capricorns tend to have trouble with alcohol consumption. They tend to do things in excess, they overwork, skip meals, then eat too much at one time. Capricorn's cell salt is calcium phosphate, which is the most important element in bone formation.
Eat : Lack of calcium phosphate can cause rickets, misshapen bones, spinal curvature, teeth disorders, and pains in the joints. Foods which are rich in this mineral are oranges, lemons, figs, celery, cabbage, dandelion greens, spinach, broccoli, corn, peas, potatoes, walnuts, almonds, whole wheat, oats, and brown rice. A diet high in protein and calcium is a must for Capricorn in order to keep the bones, skin and teeth in prime condition. Capricorns should include a fresh raw salad, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, fish, eggs, whole-grain breads in their diet every day. They need lots of calcium food, such as cheese, buttermilk, yogurt.
Don't Eat : They should try to vary their diet with different vegetables, fruit, meat and fish, as Capricorns tend to get into a rut about food likes and dislikes, and often eat the -same things every day. Eating chocolate and refined sugar is bad for Capricorn's skin.
摩羯座- 健康& 飲食
健康習性: 與獅子和射手座的人一樣,山羊座是以長壽而聞名的。不過,山羊座人的骨頭、關節和膝蓋易出現風濕、關節炎、神經痛和畸形等問題。山羊座的守護星土星,就是控制著膽囊、脾臟、骨頭、皮膚和牙的行星。由於飲用過多的酒精,他們的皮膚會很乾燥和敏感。而且他們是工作狂,一工作起來連吃飯也省略了,這樣往往一次會吃很多。磷酸鈣是對摩羯座起著重要作用的礦物質,也是骨骼形成中最重要的因素。
吃: 缺乏磷酸鈣可能導致軟骨病、殘廢骨頭、脊髓曲度、牙齒參差不齊和關節疼痛。富含這種物質的食物包括桔子、檸檬、無花果、芹菜、圓白菜、蒲公英綠色、菠菜、硬花甘藍、玉米、豌豆、土豆、核桃、杏仁、燕麥和棕色米。想要擁有健康的骨骼、皮膚和牙,摩羯座人應攝入含蛋白質和鈣高的食物,像新鮮、未加工的沙拉,新鮮的水果和蔬菜,魚, 雞蛋和麵包,還有乳酪, 酪乳和酸奶。
不要吃: 盡量讓飲食多樣化,嘗試不同的蔬菜,果子,肉和魚等。因為摩羯座人往往對喜歡的和不喜歡的食物已經形成習慣,每天經常吃同樣的東西。巧克力和被提煉的糖會對山羊座的皮膚造成傷害。
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