2014年1月31日 星期五

星座英文 射手座飲食健康問題 英文翻譯

Sagittariu's health Habits: Physical activity is a must; they will stagnate and become ill if they don't get enough exercise. Although usually lean and slender in their early years, they have a tendency to put on weight as they get older. In Sagittarian women the weight unfortunately seems to settle on the hips and thighs. They often have chronic aches in the hips and thighs and may be vulnerable to sciatica, gout, hip disease, and sometimes lameness. Sagittarius's ruling planet Jupiter governs the liver. Jupiter's influence has also been noted on the pituitary gland. Sagittarians tend to have an active, sensitive liver that instantly suffers from overuse of alcohol. They are also susceptible to hepatitis. Sagittarius's cell salt is silica, which strengthens the nervous system, keeps the connective brain tissue healthy , and prevents numbness in fingers, legs and feet.

Eat : Lack of silica may result in lank hair, dull skin, and sores and receding of the gums. Best sources for the silica that Sagittarians need are the skin of fruits and vegetables, raw salads, green peppers, figs, strawberries, pears, apples, potatoes, oats, the husks of grains, whole-grain cereals, egg yolk.Sagittarians should eat a high protein diet, with lots of broiled poultry and fish, fresh vegetables and fruit such as beets, tomatoes, plums, cherries, oranges , and lemons , eggs, skim milk, yogurt, brown rice, and whole wheat. They should drink lots of pure water, eat four mini-meals a day rather than three large ones.

Don't Eat : Foods that particularly do not agree with Sagittarius are fats, gravies, cream, butter, candy, and chocolate.

射手座- 健康& 飲食

健康習性: 體育鍛練對於射手座來說是必不可少的,如果不運動,他們會感到全身不自在。儘管年青的時候他們偏瘦, 一旦年紀大了,他們的體重就會跟著上升。不幸的是,女性射座者易在臀部和大腿堆積脂肪,還可能患上臀部和大腿的慢性病,​​像坐骨神經痛、痛風、大腿疾病和跛足。木星是射手座的守護星,它影響著腦下垂體。射手座的肝非常脆弱,飲用大量的酒精讓他易患肝炎。矽酸是射手座的重要物質,它可以加強神經系統, 維持連通性腦組織健康,並能防止手指、腿和腳的麻木。

吃: 缺乏矽酸將會導致頭髮稀少、皮膚粗糙和牙齦脆弱。富含這種物質的食物有水果和蔬菜,像未加工的沙拉,綠色胡椒,無花果,草莓,梨,蘋果,土豆,燕麥,五穀,蛋黃。射手座人應該吃含高蛋白的烤魚或禽類,新鮮蔬菜和果子,像甜菜、蕃茄、李子、櫻桃、桔子、和檸檬、蛋、脫酯乳、酸奶、棕色米和麥子。多喝純淨水,一天四頓的少食多餐絕對好過一日三餐的狼吞虎咽。

不要吃: 特別不適合吃的食物包括油脂高、濃湯、奶油、黃油、糖果和巧克力。

